Thursday, March 12, 2009

Full Sunday

Hey there! Sounds like you’re all doing good and keeping busy. Dang that is so crazy, Clara is 16, and still crazy that Syd is 14, dang is that right? Man. Time flies when you’re having fun. I hit my 8 month mark on Monday, that means I’m 1/3 of the way done. It’s so crazy, it feels like I just got here last month. It makes me realize how fast time goes and how short my time here in Colorado really is, and that I need to do my best and make every minute worth while so I can look back on my mission without any regrets.

Anyways, sounds like your way busy mom and that’s cool, it’s good to get food dropped off every once in a while for dinner. Dang I haven’t had Chinese in forever.

So me and Elder Welch are doing good, we get along great. He is super sarcastic like me, lol so its fun. Today is his b-day, he is 20, so we are celebrating by going to Chickfillet. lol Pretty fancy huh? lol

Oh, so on Sunday me and Elder Welch spoke. We were supposed to speak with this guy Travis that is going to Denmark on his mission he is really cool, I like him a lot. So it was suppose to be his farewell. He was supposed to go into the MTC today but on Friday he got a call from Salt Lake saying he doesn’t report to the MTC till May 13. So he has to wait like 9 more weeks. Isn’t that a bummer! They didn’t say why either, so now he is just chillen. So we were supposed to speak with him, but since he didn’t leave, it was just me and Elder Welch! And of course they didn’t let us know we had to fill the whole time until after PEC, with about 20 mins till sacrament. lol So that was cool, but it went really well. I enjoyed speaking. I spoke on prayer, it was cool. lol Then we had to teach the Gospel Essentials class that day too. lol So it was a fun Sunday.

Well everything is going good here in Junction. I’m staying busy of course. Hope you’re all hanging in there and have a good week!

Elder Dunn

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Answer to Prayer

Hey there! Well not a lot new here in the GJ5th Ward things are still going good. I got my new comp, his name is Elder Welch. He is from Las Vegas. He has been out about five months. He is a good kid and good missionary; he is really goofy like me so we get along great, so that is good.

But let’s see, so it was really cool, on Monday Elder Welch and I were riding our bikes to go tracting and this truck was pulled over and these two Mexican guys were there and they were like telling us to stop. One guy about my age was like really excited to see us and you could tell he really wanted to just talk with us but he didn’t know English and lol I don’t know Spanish. But he told us he is Mormon and just moved here from Mexico and didn’t know where the church was around here. It was funny and he was talking to someone on the phone, in Mexico I think, and he was like here she is Mormon too, say hi. lol So we were like uh hi lol to the phone. But anyways, so I gave him the phone number to the Spanish Elders in our area and told him to call them and then we went on our way. But then the next day I talked to the Spanish Elders and asked if they got a call from him and they were like oh that was you, ya. I guess the guy from Mexico has been trying to find the church here but didn’t know where it was, so the night before he ran into us he knelt down and said a prayer, asking our Heavenly Father to lead him to the church or help him find it, and the next day he finds us. He is 20 and preparing to serve a mission. It was really awesome to be an answer to someone else’s prayer, its amazing how the Lord uses us as a tool to bless others. Well I better get going. I love you all and hope you’re all doing good!

LoveElder Dunn