September 16, 2009
Hey there :)
Well good to hear from you. Ya kinda the same thing with me this week, not a lot new. But it has been a good week. It was crazy on sat. The weather was way cold like 50's all day and raining. I had to bust out my jacket. Pretty random lol I forgot how much fun it is riding in the cold rain.... but it is just barely starting to cool down here other than that day. The leaves haven’t started changing yet.
Ya I was lucky like Syd with school when I was a freshman, Luce was a junior and could drive and then same with soph then junior year when she left I got mine lol it works our perfect. Dang that’s still kinda weird to think about Clara driving, crazy.
So that family with the horses, I think we are going over there tomorrow to help them out so hopefully they come to church. That would be awesome it has been a while since we have had someone at church. But ya not a whole lot of news this week. Oh I did get a letter from Seth so that was cool he was in the MTC in the Dominican but I think he is in Puerto Rico now so ya that was nice. Well love you all have an awesome week!
Elder Dunn
Sept 2, 2009
Well hello! Another week has gone by. Man time feels like it flies by, its crazy we are already half way through the transfer, and its like I was telling Lucy that I know there are people in my area that are being prepared by the Lord to receive the restored gospel and we just need to find them but man the Lord is really good at hiding people. We are working hard to find them but I know there out there. We did find one family that seems really cool we don’t know them to well yet but we might have found some of the people being prepared. They are a family of a mom and dad three girls like 14, 15 and 17 and a little 4 year old boy. We tracted into them and they knew who we were, they said missionaries used to go over there about 2 years ago, but they invited us back so we stopped by and just kinda got to know them they are pretty cool. But we will see, I asked them why they did go to church before and they said they have 6 horses in there back yard and the only day to clean up everything is Sunday. So I offered to come over on Sat. when they are all gone doing horse practice stuff for like this crazy horse like trick things. lol I don’t know what it is but ya so to go over and rake all that on Saturday so they can go to church on Sunday and I think it might work so ya that is cool. Well I better get going I’m gonna send you guys some pics here before it’s too late. k love you guys!
Elder Dunn
August 26, 2009
Well hello there family! Well today is another wonderful Pday lol. So let’s see man there really isn’t a whole lot of new info from the past week. We are just hitting the doors hard trying to find new investigators. We did have a zone conference this last Monday so that was cool. We talked a lot about Joseph Smith history and things like that and talked about how to be a baptizing missionary it was good. I love zone conferences they always getting me a spiritual boost and extra excitement to do the work. And it’s always

fun to be around all the missionaries. So they put together a DVD from ragged mountain with pictures and some videos and stuff its really awesome. Man and they used like lots of my pics and videos in it to cuz mine pics are awesome. lol I have really gotten into photography since in got my new camera. I’ve always got it out and taken pics of stuff its fun. So ya well I will send you the DVD so you can see what it was like and all that so I’ll be sending that in a while but ya so things are still good here I’m still alive! Lol when do the girls start school, they started here like this Monday I think. Crazy summer went way fast. Oh and I bought a new suit! At Savers, it’s a thrift store, but it’s a way nice suit. It’s like a greyish pinstriped suit, it looks like it has never been worn and it was 10 bucks! So that was pretty exciting. Well I better get going I’m all outa time. Have a good week!
Oh is Lucy still at home or when does she go back and can I get her address thanks
Have a good week!!
Elder Dunn