Hello! There!
Sorry, so yes I did get the Easter packages. Ya I got the big one before Easter so it was perfect and the other shortly after, so thank you so much. The magic trick is pretty cool too. I’ve showed it to a couple of kids and they really get a kick out of it, it’s funny.
So I got an email from Lucy about how she is graduating. That’s so cool. So you guys are going to make a trip down there then huh? That will be fun.
So geez this week just flew right by, it’s crazy. So I got to go on 24 hour team ups with Elder Bragg so that was pretty fun, but other than that nothing really too exciting this week. lol Transfers are this next week and it’s a little different this time, everything is moved a day sooner, so pday will be on Tuesday and transfers on Wednesday. So ya just a heads up, so we will see what happens with transfers. I think if I stay this time I will die here but I don’t know. I think it would be cool to see one more area, but I will be happy with whatever happens. Well I love you all! Have a good week!
Elder Dunn
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
New suit. New glasses.
April 7, 2010
Hey there! Man, well this week has been pretty awesome, I loved conference, I feel like I always get so much out of it, its an awesome spiritual boost, and I got another boost this morning we got to go to the temple so that’s always a blessing. Man so we woke up this morning to get ready for the temple and there was like two or three inches of snow on the ground? What the heck right, so that was a shocker and now its like one o’clock and its all melted away.
So lets see, big news, well I got two new suits! I ripped that one black one you sent a while ago not to bad of a rip but so I wanted a new suit and my comp needed one too so we went to Men’s Warehouse cuz they had a pretty good deal, so it would be $150 for us each, so we put them on hold and I was gonna ask you but then! This missionary said they bought one at a thrift store that didn’t fit him so I tried it on and it’s perfect. It’s a brown with some like
criss cross stripes. Then we went to a thrift store and found another one that fit for ten bucks! Way awesome. So I just took some pictures from the web cam on this computer and so ya I’m sending those to ya :) Kinda fun. So that’s the new suit oh and I got my eyes checked and I needed glasses so these are my new glasses, what do you think? lol Oh and that’s my companion behind me Elder D'Andrea so ya. Well things here are going good today we are playing some cricket like the kind the Braggs would play for FHE so that should be fun. Welp love ya all!
Elder Dunn
March 31, 2010
Hey there family! I know I can’t believe its April either crazy stuff, time flies when you’re having fun. So for general conference we have to go to the stake center, so no member houses. It’s funny cuz no one really goes to the stake center anymore, they either get it on TV or on the internet, so usually its just a whole bunch of missionaries there, it’s fun.
Ya so this week is spring break for Colorado. Unfortunately we thought it would be awesome cuz everyone would be home and we could talk to lots of people, but I guess that everyone went out of town, so it has kinda been rough. Like on Monday we tracted for six hours and we had like 7 people that actually gave us at least a minute or two to talk to them, but even still they weren’t interested, so that was kinda tough. About five hours in of getting rejected at basically every door I turned to my companion and was like, it’s a good thing we don’t get discouraged easy. So that’s good, we are both pretty happy guys so you just gotta make it fun. Well today we are playing some more Ultimate Frisbee the weather has been perfect, I’m lovin it. Well that’s all I got this week :) love you guys
Elder Dunn
March 24, 2010
Well hello family!
Geez what the heck, Clara was in Denver for a day? That’s crazy! Ya the weather here the last twenty four hours has been crazy. Denver is ridicules, one day its sixty five and clear skies then that night it rains and thunders and lightning and then later that night it dumps 8 inches of snow, its crazy. So we woke up to a winter wonderland, pretty crazy, and now its 55 and all the snow is melting. So since there was tons of snow this morning our cars were parked so for the pday morning we were stuck in the house, but our members, the Gee's, made biscuits and gravy for breakfast for us, it was so good. But then by noon the snow had melted enough to unpark cars so we went down to one of the church building with some other missionaries so Elder Bragg was there and played some kickball and then some dodge ball it was pretty fun. So its been a pretty good pday so far :)
So we tried to set one of our investigators with a baptismal date, his name is Doug. He said he knows the BOM is true, that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ and that this is Christ’s church. So we were like yesss then asked we asked him if he would unite himself with Christ’s church by being baptized and he was like ya on December 11 2012 cuz he believes the whole world is gonna end on 12/12/2012 so right before the world ends. lol sooo ya kinda a bummer. But we committed him to pray about it and see when God wants him to be baptized so ya we will see how that goes. Wow that’s so crazy that Kuda Pedersen got his call what the heck that’s awesome. Well things are going pretty good out here. Hope you guys have a good spring break, love you all!
Elder Dunn
Hey there! Man, well this week has been pretty awesome, I loved conference, I feel like I always get so much out of it, its an awesome spiritual boost, and I got another boost this morning we got to go to the temple so that’s always a blessing. Man so we woke up this morning to get ready for the temple and there was like two or three inches of snow on the ground? What the heck right, so that was a shocker and now its like one o’clock and its all melted away.
So lets see, big news, well I got two new suits! I ripped that one black one you sent a while ago not to bad of a rip but so I wanted a new suit and my comp needed one too so we went to Men’s Warehouse cuz they had a pretty good deal, so it would be $150 for us each, so we put them on hold and I was gonna ask you but then! This missionary said they bought one at a thrift store that didn’t fit him so I tried it on and it’s perfect. It’s a brown with some like

Elder Dunn
March 31, 2010
Hey there family! I know I can’t believe its April either crazy stuff, time flies when you’re having fun. So for general conference we have to go to the stake center, so no member houses. It’s funny cuz no one really goes to the stake center anymore, they either get it on TV or on the internet, so usually its just a whole bunch of missionaries there, it’s fun.
Ya so this week is spring break for Colorado. Unfortunately we thought it would be awesome cuz everyone would be home and we could talk to lots of people, but I guess that everyone went out of town, so it has kinda been rough. Like on Monday we tracted for six hours and we had like 7 people that actually gave us at least a minute or two to talk to them, but even still they weren’t interested, so that was kinda tough. About five hours in of getting rejected at basically every door I turned to my companion and was like, it’s a good thing we don’t get discouraged easy. So that’s good, we are both pretty happy guys so you just gotta make it fun. Well today we are playing some more Ultimate Frisbee the weather has been perfect, I’m lovin it. Well that’s all I got this week :) love you guys
Elder Dunn
March 24, 2010
Well hello family!
Geez what the heck, Clara was in Denver for a day? That’s crazy! Ya the weather here the last twenty four hours has been crazy. Denver is ridicules, one day its sixty five and clear skies then that night it rains and thunders and lightning and then later that night it dumps 8 inches of snow, its crazy. So we woke up to a winter wonderland, pretty crazy, and now its 55 and all the snow is melting. So since there was tons of snow this morning our cars were parked so for the pday morning we were stuck in the house, but our members, the Gee's, made biscuits and gravy for breakfast for us, it was so good. But then by noon the snow had melted enough to unpark cars so we went down to one of the church building with some other missionaries so Elder Bragg was there and played some kickball and then some dodge ball it was pretty fun. So its been a pretty good pday so far :)
So we tried to set one of our investigators with a baptismal date, his name is Doug. He said he knows the BOM is true, that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ and that this is Christ’s church. So we were like yesss then asked we asked him if he would unite himself with Christ’s church by being baptized and he was like ya on December 11 2012 cuz he believes the whole world is gonna end on 12/12/2012 so right before the world ends. lol sooo ya kinda a bummer. But we committed him to pray about it and see when God wants him to be baptized so ya we will see how that goes. Wow that’s so crazy that Kuda Pedersen got his call what the heck that’s awesome. Well things are going pretty good out here. Hope you guys have a good spring break, love you all!
Elder Dunn
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