June 18, 2010
Hello Dunns!
Well, we finally did it! We had dinner with Elder Cooper Dunn and his companion tonight. It was lots of fun. I recounted stories from the days of Elder Dunn and Elder Leonard, and also from BYU. Better watch out, Jeff! He told us about his mission. It sounds like he has had a wonderful experience and has worked hard. What a great young man you will have coming home. It sounds like he has good plans for his future at BYU-I.
Seeing him brought back a flood of memories. We certainly miss you guys. Our busy lives and distance keep us apart, but we still think you are the greatest. Please let us know if you head this way for General Conference or whatever. We'd love to see you.
Enjoy the pics that are attached. Your son is the one next to the rather portly old-looking guy.
Mike & Lisa Leonard
June 23
, 2010
Dear Family,
Wow that’s awesome that trip sounds like fun, ya I’m sure dad loved it, dang so he is 49 now crazy. But that’s really cool.
Hello Dunns!
Well, we finally did it! We had dinner with Elder Cooper Dunn and his companion tonight. It was lots of fun. I recounted stories from the days of Elder Dunn and Elder Leonard, and also from BYU. Better watch out, Jeff! He told us about his mission. It sounds like he has had a wonderful experience and has worked hard. What a great young man you will have coming home. It sounds like he has good plans for his future at BYU-I.
Seeing him brought back a flood of memories. We certainly miss you guys. Our busy lives and distance keep us apart, but we still think you are the greatest. Please let us know if you head this way for General Conference or whatever. We'd love to see you.
Enjoy the pics that are attached. Your son is the one next to the rather portly old-looking guy.
Mike & Lisa Leonard
June 23
Dear Family,
Wow that’s awesome that trip sounds like fun, ya I’m sure dad loved it, dang so he is 49 now crazy. But that’s really cool.
So ya summer has been nice in some ways like it stays light a lot later now so that makes visiting people and tracting at night so that is nice, but it is really hot. lol So I guess that’s the trade off. Its gross though I hate showing up for dinner or like an appointment drenched in sweat.
This last Monday we moved, so ya pretty crazy. the Gee house where we were living was only supposed to be temporary because of the kids and we have been there 8 months and she is having a baby like any day now so we wanted to give them there space and what not. BUT.. there is no one in either wards willing or able to house us so we were forced to move in with another set of elders. But they don’t even boarder our area, we have to go through their area then an entire separate area to reach the boarder of our area!!! So ya kinda crazy and well now there are 4 elders in one house so we are very cramped. Not to mention we no longer have free food to eat. lol So that is what’s new with us. So we are logging a lot more miles on our bikes. and its a bummer because it takes proselyting time out of our day to travel back and forth and all that so its a little frustrating, be we are making it fun :) Thanks for everything love you all!!Elder Dunn
June 16, 2010
Hello family, ya I agree it does feel like the week flew by. Well it seems like every week flies by. Man that’s awesome that Clara got a job, I think she will like it, I really liked working there it was fun. Well this last week weather wise was pretty crazy, it was mostly raining and like low 60s high 50s weird huh? Friday night we were walking home from an appointment we had and the clouds were looking a little dark and scary, then all of a sudden it started pouring like way hard, it was crazy. By the time we got home it looked like we had jumped in a pool and got out, it was ridiculous. But ya it was fun.
That’s so crazy we have a new stake presidency, all I have ever known is the old one. That’s good to hear that Elder Bragg errr I mean Colton, is doing good. Ya he told me they planned a trip to Utah pretty fast. But no I haven’t heard from him.
Um but ya that would be really awesome to get a new suit ya mine are like. ok lol Like the rips in them are not very noticeable unless you know where to look but ya that would be really cool. Well I sure do love you guys. Things are going good here, have a swell week!Elder Dunn
June 9, 2010
June 9, 2010
Hello family! Well sorry but time is short our ride with some other elders have to go get there oil changed so they are rushing us lol. But things are going well it’s still pretty warm, has the weather gotten better over there yet? Man the girls are out of school now right, everyone here just got out on Monday so there are alot more kids answering doors and around town now. So I set up an appointment for my asthma but they can’t get me in till the 29 that’s three weeks so ya but that’s good. Well hope you’re all doing good, and know that I love you!
Elder 'Dunn
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