Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March catch up.

March 17
Hey there family! So today we decided to do our email first because if we don’t we get so caught up with other stuff, it’s like way late and we are scrambling for time, but it looks like we came too early cuz you haven’t had the chance to email yet lol.

Well I got a new companion, he is pretty new still. This is only his third transfer. His name is Elder D'Andrea, he is from Boise Idaho. So ya we have been together just about a week now and things are going good. He’s a nice guy. And for the first time ever me and Elder Bragg are in the same zone so that is pretty awesome. So today we are going to play some ultimate Frisbee. I was talking to him last night and he has been in a car for most his mission and has gained some weight so I’m hoping I’m faster then him. lol But I don’t know I’ll have to let you know how that goes.

So things here in the Smoky Hill and Parkview wards are going pretty good, the Smoky Hill ward is on fire with missionary work. We have one guy Doug that is progressing really well. We have an appt. with him tomorrow night and hope to set him with a baptismal date. And a part member family just moved in and came to church and the mother and son said they want to take the lessons and be baptized. So that’s like a missionaries dream right there, someone comes up to you after church and says they want to be baptized so ya very cool. And now both wards, after Elder Perry, are trying to get us the list of names so that is a work in progress as well.

So I think that I have decided that the plan after the mission is to go to BYU Idaho and room with Elder Bragg. So ya not to sure when school starts and all that, I think like August is that right? But ya so if we could start to figure it out if that could happen that would be awesome.
Well I think that’s really all that’s going on here. But I hope you’re all doing well. Clara what the heck you’re 17? That’s really weird. Crazy stuff lol well love you guys!

Elder Dunn

March 10
Ugh oh my gosh. So I just wrote like a long email to you and sent it, but when it sent it sent me to the sign in page and now it's not in my sent folder. So I don't think it sent but hopefully it did but if not I'm getting a new comp tomorrow so that's big news. And the baptism went really well and Sunday was stake conference so that was cool too. Our mission president and his wife spoke it was really good. Well I’m outa time cuz I spent the whole time writing the other email so hopefully you got it love you guys.
Elder Dunn

March 3
Hey there Famillia! Geez I always feel so rushed and busy on pday. lol I don’t think that’s how its supposed to be, its supposed to be the day when we get to relax lol.

Oh so ya Margarita, ya she was someone that I taught and baptized lol. That’s funny she added you on Facebook. She is awesome. She’s the one that called you and made the bday cake for me and all that. Well let’s see not alot of exciting news, we do have a baptism this Saturday so that is awesome. We have that all planned out so we are really excited. It’s weird; the building where we are having the baptism is actually out of the mission, weird huh? So it’s not the building I go to for church but there are missionaries that cover 2 of the wards that go there kinda weird. So it’s like neutral ground I guess, but it’s a really nice building. It’s brand new and huge, but no one has keys to the baptismal font so we have to break in with a screwdriver lol funny huh. Well we are now teaching this guy named Doug, he is really nice and seems to be progressing very well. He is a referral from a member, we are teaching him the second lesson tomorrow, man when a non-member has a solid member friend fellowshipper it makes everything run alot smoother that is for sure. But this guy is into like energy healing and he even took his cat to a pet psychic. lol so ya he is funny but that is really cool he is progressing.

So no unfortunately I didn’t get a pic with Elder Perry, we just kinda ran by him and shook his hand. Oh I also got to go to the temple this morning so that is always a treat. Well I think that’s all I got going on here. But I love you all and hope you have an awesome week!

Elder Dunn

1 comment:

Kay said...

Hummm...go to know Elder Bragg is thinking of going to BYU-I for Fall term...LOL!

Pretty cool you guys finally get to serve by each other.

Yep, he's been telling us for a few months not to send any candy, so I sent girls scout cookies last package. ;) So go show him some humility and run circles around him!! :)

Keep up the good work Elder Dunn, we here in Medford are so pleased with your service!!!