The Olympics sound like they are way awesome, every members house we go to for dinner gives us a play by play update of like every event lol so that is way cool.
As we slowly start to get to know our ward better we realize how awesome they all are, there are a lot of families that are way cool and way into missionary work. It's awesome! They are always giving us referrals, the ward mission leader is a really good guy, Bro. Sabey. He was just released as the bishop like two months ago, but he and his family are really helpful with everything from all the missionary work or just giving us rides or food, they have like 6 kids, all home right now from like age 12 to 22, so they are all really cool. This morning actually we went and played racquetball at the ymca with the 22 year old named Bryan. He just got back from his mission in Brazil and is heading to BYU next week. His mom, Sis. Sabey, Bryan and my companion all love racquetball. It's his fav sport so every members house we go to he asks if they play. Its funny but the whole Sabey fam plays so that was cool lol. I stink at it though. Bryan and Elder Craft are way good, but I got pwned by Sis Sabey. But it was really fun we had some intense rallies.
After we are done emailing we are going to the church again to play bball with all the other elders so that should be fun. Scott Bullock, that kid that we have been teaching Lauren with are coming too, so that will be fun. But ya so Lauren, well she didn't make it to church cuz she had family stuff but we met with her on Tuesday. It went really well as usual. We taught her about the word of wisdom which she already lives so that's awesome, tithing and fasting, and she thought that was really cool and committed to doing those things. So it went really well. We also committed her to be baptized three weeks from now and she agreed to that so we were way excited, so but that will happen up at school and its a different mission. It's the Denver North so kinda lame we won't be able to go and all that. But still its way awesome cuz we did all the teaching and all that you know, lol So the missionaries up there are basically having a baptism handed to them. lol So ya its cool.
This next transfer of ours is kinda weird too because of all the elders going to school. They talked with Utah and got it approved to have a 5 week transfer instead of 6 just so those elders could get ready for school and all that. But the bad thing was the message didn't get relayed to the MTC, so they did'nt have the kids coming to our mission come in a week early so they could get here when the other elders leave, soooo we are sending out elders but not getting them for a week or so. There will be some threesomes and areas shut down for a while, kinda crazy. lol Oh ya and Pres. Christisen is going to be out of town. lol So that will be fun.
To answer your question we don't really pass off skills or anything. There are things we have to memorize like D&C 4 and stuff like that. I'm still working on that. I got some stuff like our purpose and the first vision and that so that's cool.
Well we are eating a good breakfast, we are making ourselves breakfast burritos with sausage egg and pepper jack cheese yum! I'm excited. lol Oh I don't know if I told you our diet. lol Basically all we eat is microwave burritos, corn dogs, mac cheese, top raman, Eggo's and otter pops lol That's our whole food supply. It's not to bad actually that's a lot :)
Well I love you guys alot. Hope you're all doing well. I'm still so excited to be out here serving the Lord and spreading the gospel. It's hard work but I love it. I get to feel the spirit everyday its amazing!
Love you all.
Elder Dunn
1 comment:
You sound like you are doing great! That's wonderful to hear Lauren wants to be baptized, I hope her new ward really fellowships her!!
I'm glad you write longer emails; I don't get half as much info from Colt! 5 week transfers is good to know
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