So lets see, what is new here? The work is going really well. We went on splits with the zone leaders and did tracting on either side of the streets and just worked our way down 7 blocks, So it was a long time but we got alot of new potential investigators, so that's awesome! The ward helps out a lot, they are all doing really good and trying hard to find people for us to teach, so that is awesome.
On Monday and Tuesday we went over to a members place named the Thorpe's to help with a house they are fixing up and are going to rent. They are doing tons of work on it, its looking really good though, but they had a big Russian olive tree that they had cut out a little while ago and our job was to take the stump out. Wow, talk about hard work! It was pretty intense. I'm way sore, but we got it out it two days! That's way fast I guess for a big tree like that. It was kinda cool cuz on the second day the people that work for the Thorpes were saying it looks like a weeks worth of work and MAYBE you could get it out and another one said it looks like your bringing a knife to a gun fight, lol. So this just made us work harder and we got it out. It was way rewarding after all the hard work! It was way cool, but I'm way sore now! lol
Sooo, you know how I bike everywhere right? Well it's pretty fun, I'm getting good at biking, so that's cool, but uh lets see sooo on Friday me and Elder Craft had a BBQ thing we went to at the Stake Pres house and on our way back to our house we took these dirt trails that are all around town. The trails run along a canal and a creek so they go all through the town and it makes it easier to get places faster. But we were up on this little trail and on either side of us was a big steep hill, so we thought it would be way cool to go straight down it. On one side was a little dirt jump-course so we thought we would ride down there and then go through the course because you could cut through it and it would be faster. So my comp goes way fast without any breaks and comes up to the turns but is going too fast to control it and just eats it in the dirt. So I decide to go slow and I get down there and he is pretty messed up on his arm (I got pics) and just like way bloody. But he was OK. So then I go down this little hill and try to ride up this steep one and didn't have enough speed soooo, I started to roll backwards and just fall straight back on my butt/back! lol So that was cool but I ripped my good suit pants in the bottom. I was fine but I was kinda mad about that so that's one story.

Then on Saturday morning we were riding to a members house to do some yard work for them and we were crossing a pretty big busy street but where we were, there was a hill on the right so you couldn't really see the cars coming. On the left was a turn so we waited till we thought it was safe (and when I say waited I mean kept rolling and just went for it), so as we were going on the top of the hill, there was a big semi truck so we speeded up and when I got to the curb I didn't want to slam my back tire on the curb cuz it can pop, so usually I just pull on my front break a little and then do like a stoppy and get up the curb, BUT in this instance I was going a little fast and I was kinda excited so basically I just slammed on my front break and do a huge front flip off my bike. Ya it was pretty cool. My companion thought I was dead, but I wasn't hurt at all. Just hopped up and made sure there were no broken bones or blood so I was good! I just did a huge somersault thing. So I was good. It was really scary but really cool .
Then yesterday on Tuesday we were cruising down this pretty big hill, lol heading to a lady's house in the ward to take my pants to get fixed from the first crash, and my comp went on the little peice of cement between the street and the sidewalk, like it was kinda coned off but it was fine. But I guess the farther he went the cement became more and more fresh so basically he started riding in wet cement and there was a construction guy telling him to get off and while I was watching this I was going pretty fast without hands and I went down to grab my handle bars but I think I only grabbed one side and missed the handle bar in my right hand and that threw me off balance and basically got all wobbly and tipped over and landed on my left arm and back and just slid to a stop. So this time there was some blood, lol but not bad. I got my shirt all dirty and my pants a little scuffed but ya soo those are all my crashes. All three in like 5 days! lol So I am now trying to be more careful! lol But pretty exciting:)
So that's what I have been up to. I'm having a blast and loving it! It's amazing to be able be so absorbed in the gospel. I love it. I hope your all doing well and tell Lucy Happy B-day!
Love you all!
Elder Dunn
Oh goodness Coop, That reminds me of when Elder Nate Spence flew over his bike and broke his jaw. Hope that doesn't happen! Be careful!! Now my prayers are really with you!!!
Hey Coop!,
Halley has some training wheels she will loan you for a few months to help you get into the swing of bike riding!! We love you!
Nice Jacque! Can someone make Coop suit made out of Nerf?
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