Alright, so let’s see, my greenies name is Elder Luce like luc-y. lol So he is from Las Vegas, Nevada. Pretty cool uh? Well let’s see, everything is going alright. His personality is a lot different then mine. He doesn’t like to play any sports, he is more of a gamer kinda sword liking Anime cartoon kinda guy. But it is going good. I'm always happy and hard to make angry (I hope) so everything is going pretty good. He is 21 and has done 2 years at BYU Provo. He is a good kid but he is kinda struggling without his family and girlfriend. So we had a long discussion and stuff and I guess he is feeling kina trunky. But everything is cool, we had a long talk and stuff. But I think its going pretty good, but I like training I think its fun.
That’s good that Britt seems to be doing good. Ya she sounds like she is having fun with school and stuff and staying busy, so that’s good. Ya she is pretty tough :) I'm not gonna lie I miss her too but I'm having a great time out here and not letting it distract me so that’s good, this is an "all day everyday mission" that’s our motto out here and mine is "work hard and have fun", so with the two of those everything is going good, and I know what you mean about spiritual growth too.
I will have to write Seth and see how things are going.
So, about 2 or 3 weeks ago my helmet got stolen! Can you believe that? I locked up the bikes but it was raining so I put my helmet on the seat the under side of my helmet wouldn’t get wet or my seat and came back later and it was gone! So I bought a new one yesterday and bought a lock because I was just using my companions. So ya, that’s what I used my debit card for if you saw the recent charges.
Everything is going good out here, just trying to find some more people we can bring unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Well I better get going we still need to go food shopping. We are way out, all we have is Ramen and instant oatmeal. It’s pretty sad. lol Well all is well here in Denver. Love you all!
Elder Dunn
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm Training!
I'm gonna be a daddy!! Transfers are tomorrow and I’m training! Crazy huh I’m still new but I don’t know, I guess the Lord and Pres. Christenson know I can do it. So that’s pretty crazy. We are getting like 25 new elders and I’m the youngest one training, pretty crazy!
I’m excited, pretty cool about Seth. I’m excited for him, and Braden too. I didn’t hear that. So what did Britt say did she seem like she was doing good? Ya, sorry I ran out of stamps! But Britt should be sending me some tomorrow. So ya, I already have pics printed out and labeled for you to send so I’ll do it soon.
The weather here has been pretty good, kinda cool like 40's and sunny. Today it was suppose to snow but didn’t but we should get snow here soon. Its cold on a bike.
We have a lady, Linda, that is single with 5 kids that we found on our own. We have a date with her on Nov 8 but she has some WOW problems with smoking, so we are working with her through that. They only have to be clean for a week, did you know that? Kind of interesting, but ya so we are working towards that and have some other people we are working pretty closely with. Well I’m out of time. All is well. I love you all. I’ll send pics and a letter soon.
Elder Dunn
I’m excited, pretty cool about Seth. I’m excited for him, and Braden too. I didn’t hear that. So what did Britt say did she seem like she was doing good? Ya, sorry I ran out of stamps! But Britt should be sending me some tomorrow. So ya, I already have pics printed out and labeled for you to send so I’ll do it soon.
The weather here has been pretty good, kinda cool like 40's and sunny. Today it was suppose to snow but didn’t but we should get snow here soon. Its cold on a bike.
We have a lady, Linda, that is single with 5 kids that we found on our own. We have a date with her on Nov 8 but she has some WOW problems with smoking, so we are working with her through that. They only have to be clean for a week, did you know that? Kind of interesting, but ya so we are working towards that and have some other people we are working pretty closely with. Well I’m out of time. All is well. I love you all. I’ll send pics and a letter soon.
Elder Dunn
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
For exercise we have a little weight set, a bench press thing and a curl bar, so I usually just do some reps of that and some sit ups. But we recently figured out that the elders that serve on the other side of our ward have a racket ball court! So yesterday for the first time, we got up at like 5:45! Gross! and rode our bikes about 3 miles in the dark and in the cold to their place and played racket ball. Then just stayed there at there place and studied and showered. They have a car, so they drove us to our area and then went to work. So that was really fun. We might start doing that more often!
No I didn’t do either baptism or confirmation at the baptism he had members from the ward do that.
Ya we do yard work and no, it has just confirmed my thoughts on having a rock yard. But I'm still trying to think if I want lava in the front and river in the back or if I should switch it lol:)
Well one thing that happen this week, we got a call from a lady a week or so ago that said we had talked to her one day while she was walking her dog and gave her a pass along card with our number on it. She said she needed some help cleaning out her garage so we did that for her. She said she had talked with some missionaries before. After looking at the area book we found out she had watched the restoration and was taught the first lesson, but she said she was now interested in learning more. She has it really rough. She is in her 60's and so is her husband, but her husband has a lot of medical problems. He worked on cars and got asbestos poisoning, he smokes a lot and has something with his legs where there are these sores all over them and water seeps out through them. They are always bandaged and the bandage has to be changed 5 times a day, and he sits in a chair. He hasn’t been out of the chair in almost a year now except when Cynthia, his wife, walks him to the bathroom and washes him and dresses him and shaves him. But he isn’t expected to live much longer. In the meantime she is left doing everything because he can’t get up. She is a pack rat there is stuff everywhere in here house! It’s crazy and she feels overwhelmed and sad because she doesn’t like to see her husband like this. So we went over and talked with her about what she knew and she pulled out her old Book of Mormon and we went over some scriptures and talked about opposition in life and Joseph Smith. The lesson went really well, she seem very sincere and interested in reading and praying about it, which is awesome! We have a appt with her next week, so that was really cool and we explained the priesthood to her and her husband and told him about blessings, so I had the opportunity to give him a blessing. That was a first for me, but it was a great experience. Cynthia is one tough lady for all the things she has to deal with. I feel bad for her. But ya that was a good experience.
But I'm running out of time so I gotta go. Hey I bought a jacket and gloves from Sports Authority last pday! I was just in time. It’s been getting cold the last few days. It was suppose to snow on Saturday but didn’t. But was definitely cold enough, it got down to 25 on Sunday! Crazy! Well love you all, and I like all the tenets there good!
Elder Dunn
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
No Email
Hey guys what no email? What is this lol just kidding, but I have like no time blah! But everything is going good. Hopefully I can buy a jacket today cuz it’s starting to get cold. lol I will write you a letter today and say more and I got some pics developed so I will send you those to love you all!
Elder Dunn
Elder Dunn
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Going Good
Hey, yup you made it on time. Ya Pres. Christensen challenged us to read the Book of Mormon for the new year, so that will be cool to do it as a mission.
I had a baptism yesterday so that was really awesome! I will have to send you guys some pics soon so you can see Lester and everyone else.
Everything is going good, I’m staying really busy as usual. Ya I’m really excited to listen to Conference, ya I will get to watch the priesthood session and we are asked to go to Stake Centers for the sessions, not at members houses. Hopefully we will be able to bring some of our investigators to some of it.
So, I kinda heard about all the bank stuff going on, crazy! lol I was wondering if I still had money in my account for a while, but that’s pretty crazy.
That’s cool that sis Brumble got her eyes fixed. So today it was awesome, I got two things of toaster strudels for 4 dollars! Awesome huh? lol I was pretty excited.
I got to go to the temple which is always awesome. I’m so blessed as a missionary to be able to go every month. I love being able to be reminded of those sacred covenants we make with our Father in Heaven and to be able to feel the spirit so strong.
Elder Bragg (I am still getting used to calling him that, sometimes like during b-ball it slips and I call him Colton lol) but that was fun and then we played some dodge ball. lol It was fun. Well I gotta go, times up, I love you all and hope all is well!
Elder Dunn
I had a baptism yesterday so that was really awesome! I will have to send you guys some pics soon so you can see Lester and everyone else.
Everything is going good, I’m staying really busy as usual. Ya I’m really excited to listen to Conference, ya I will get to watch the priesthood session and we are asked to go to Stake Centers for the sessions, not at members houses. Hopefully we will be able to bring some of our investigators to some of it.
So, I kinda heard about all the bank stuff going on, crazy! lol I was wondering if I still had money in my account for a while, but that’s pretty crazy.
That’s cool that sis Brumble got her eyes fixed. So today it was awesome, I got two things of toaster strudels for 4 dollars! Awesome huh? lol I was pretty excited.
I got to go to the temple which is always awesome. I’m so blessed as a missionary to be able to go every month. I love being able to be reminded of those sacred covenants we make with our Father in Heaven and to be able to feel the spirit so strong.
Elder Bragg (I am still getting used to calling him that, sometimes like during b-ball it slips and I call him Colton lol) but that was fun and then we played some dodge ball. lol It was fun. Well I gotta go, times up, I love you all and hope all is well!
Elder Dunn
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