Friday, October 31, 2008

Ya, I know!

Alright, so let’s see, my greenies name is Elder Luce like luc-y. lol So he is from Las Vegas, Nevada. Pretty cool uh? Well let’s see, everything is going alright. His personality is a lot different then mine. He doesn’t like to play any sports, he is more of a gamer kinda sword liking Anime cartoon kinda guy. But it is going good. I'm always happy and hard to make angry (I hope) so everything is going pretty good. He is 21 and has done 2 years at BYU Provo. He is a good kid but he is kinda struggling without his family and girlfriend. So we had a long discussion and stuff and I guess he is feeling kina trunky. But everything is cool, we had a long talk and stuff. But I think its going pretty good, but I like training I think its fun.

That’s good that Britt seems to be doing good. Ya she sounds like she is having fun with school and stuff and staying busy, so that’s good. Ya she is pretty tough :) I'm not gonna lie I miss her too but I'm having a great time out here and not letting it distract me so that’s good, this is an "all day everyday mission" that’s our motto out here and mine is "work hard and have fun", so with the two of those everything is going good, and I know what you mean about spiritual growth too.

I will have to write Seth and see how things are going.

So, about 2 or 3 weeks ago my helmet got stolen! Can you believe that? I locked up the bikes but it was raining so I put my helmet on the seat the under side of my helmet wouldn’t get wet or my seat and came back later and it was gone! So I bought a new one yesterday and bought a lock because I was just using my companions. So ya, that’s what I used my debit card for if you saw the recent charges.

Everything is going good out here, just trying to find some more people we can bring unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Well I better get going we still need to go food shopping. We are way out, all we have is Ramen and instant oatmeal. It’s pretty sad. lol Well all is well here in Denver. Love you all!

Elder Dunn


Kay said...

It sounds like the Lord put you two together for a reason, he knows you can help this Elder with leaving behind a girlfriend and still working hard and having fun!! I'm not sure Elder Bragg would have as much sympathy for the guy.

And I just thought of some thing funny the other day. You and Elder Bragg had to get used to calling each other Elder for the first while. When you guys get home it will be the opposite, trying to remember each others first names again!! LOL!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for removing the personal information. I probably shouldnt have said anything but I know the guy and it made me a little frazzled to see something so personal displayed for everyone to see. I am sorry if i upset anyone and that really wasnt my intent. if my previous comment was rude please forgive me, i did not mean to be offensive. i was just taken back by it. i am sorry again.