Well any who, wow that temple trip sounds way awesome, 45 worthy priesthood holders going to the temple! That's so crazy. It weird how growing up in the ward and then coming on a mission and serving in many wards and being able to attend PEC weekly, how much you learn and understand more about the church and how a ward works and all that. I've come to realize how awesome our ward is, and how strong it is. That's awesome.
Well, so this week we got to go down to Grand Junction again because we had a Christmas Devotional. So we drove down the night before and stayed the night there BUT it snowed like over a foot and we had to come down from the mountains so it was crazy! We went the long way because the fast way was over Douglas pass which is gnarly way high up its kinda like "the shelf" but two ways up then down. It was so slippery and of course we have little Toyota Corrollas, two wheel drive coming over a mountain pass, it was so gnarly. We drove like 35mph the whole time it was crazy! It ended up taking about 5 or so hours to get there. Once we got on the well travelled high way it was a little better, but still pretty bad and of course there are tons of stupid people thinking they can go fast, we saw 7 cars the had spun out and were in the ditch, it was crazy.
But the devotional was really good we talked alot about Christ of course read Th
Well so that was the highlight for the week for sure, all the driving in the snow wasn't fun (actually it kinda was lol) but it was worth it. Rangely got dumped on with snow too about a foot or so, this morning we woke up and it was -10 out side brutal huh. Well I better get going, but I just want to tell you how grateful I am for Jesus Christ and for this wonderful season for us to recognize his birth and all he did for each of us. I love you very much!
Elder Dunn
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