June 30, 2010
So ya I forgot to mention the Leonard's in my last email, but ya it was really fun they are really fun nice people, it was cool to talk with them and have him share memories and stories, he says dad cooked him the best meal on his mission lol kinda funny. But ya it was nice of them to do that for me I enjoyed it. So we have 30 minutes or so on the computers on pday.Oh and ya I had the doctors appointment yesterday it went well so originally I asked to go to a specialist but they told me I had to see a family doctor first, so I went to him and he checked me out BUT... he said that he doesn't know either it very well could be asthma or it could be some kinda breathing disease thing, lol so I’m still un-diagnosed but he did give me some pills I guess they are steroids its just like a one week thing like take 7 the first day 6 the second and so on but ya he told me when I get home I should get it checked out. So we will see if those pills make a difference.So ya I got a suit, actually I got two suits so ya it was at Mens Warehouse and it was a buy one get one half off, so the first one was 169 and the second was 85 so ya one is navy blue with like a like plaid maybe its like wide pin stripes and then stripes horizontal and the other is a gray with pinstripes pretty cool, so thanks so much they are really nice. And about the bike I’m not going to be taking it home, its been around the block a few times lol and there is an elder in the district that needs a bike so I’m gonna sell it to him dirt cheap. So hopefully i have enough room for everything did you get that little box of stuff I sent with like the towel and jacket in it? Well things are going swell here its pretty toasty and we have been riding our bikes a lot so that's fun :) but things are going good we did get a new mission president they made the switch yesterday so today is his first day pretty crazy we are all wonder what kind of changes he will be making to the mission. But I sure do love you guys a lot. It has been such an amazing experience and learning opportunity to serve a mission I wouldn't change it for anything.Elder Dunn
July 7, 2010
Hey there pops, dang you got the new iPhone4!! One of our investigators just got one and was showing it to us it looks really awesome, I was thinking about trying to get one when I get home. That’s fun you got to play golf with Colt and Jon. When did Jon get home? As for plans for immediately when I get home I don't really know I will try journeys and see if they need any help there but other than that I don’t know I haven't thought about it much. Is Clara getting some good hours at old navy now? That’s nice you have the whole week off, are you guys getting the whole family reunion nailed down? That will be so much fun. so just yesterday we had interviews with our new mission president, so that was neat he seems like a really awesome man, he is a wiz at the scriptures, after they interviewed everyone they talked to us about them and opened it up to a Q and A thing it fun. He was telling us about how he got his call and all that and for the first interview they got called into Elder Hales office and asked him a few questions. Then they got a call back interview with Elder Uchtdorf and then received their call. So ya that was exciting to finally meet him. Well I better get going. I sure do love you all and I’m just trying to enjoy my last few weeks out here. Elder Dunn
July 14, 2010
Hello family,
Well, I don’t really know what to say. ya this week has been as normal as any other week I think the weirdest was yesterday because it was my last full proselyting day, so that kinda freaked me out, and Colton (man its weird calling him that lol) called me yesterday morning, that was cool but kinda got me more scared hearing him talk about it, but honestly I think it will go fine, I’m not really scared I think I’ll adjust fine. So I started packing this morning, I’m having a hard time deciding what I actually need to take home, like I know I don’t need like ten white shirts, and like how many suits will I really need. But it’s going good, I’m excited to see you all. ya lol I don’t know who else would go to the airport that’s perfect, I did get an email from Brittney and she said she might make it but I don’t know that could be interesting, but other than that everyone else is like gone so just you and the Braggs is perfect. Well I don’t know I still don’t think it has really hit me yet, I think once in actually on the plan I will be getting nervous. but it has been an amazing two years, I am so grateful that I was raised in the church with a mission in mind, and that I chose to serve the Lord for these two years, it has been an awesome experience I love my mission, and would do it again in a heartbeat. I love the church, I love our prophet I love my Savior and I love all of you, I will see you soon.Your MissionaryElder Dunn
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 2010
June 18, 2010
Hello Dunns!
Well, we finally did it! We had dinner with Elder Cooper Dunn and his companion tonight. It was lots of fun. I recounted stories from the days of Elder Dunn and Elder Leonard, and also from BYU. Better watch out, Jeff! He told us about his mission. It sounds like he has had a wonderful experience and has worked hard. What a great young man you will have coming home. It sounds like he has good plans for his future at BYU-I.
Seeing him brought back a flood of memories. We certainly miss you guys. Our busy lives and distance keep us apart, but we still think you are the greatest. Please let us know if you head this way for General Conference or whatever. We'd love to see you.
Enjoy the pics that are attached. Your son is the one next to the rather portly old-looking guy.
Mike & Lisa Leonard
June 23
, 2010
Dear Family,
Wow that’s awesome that trip sounds like fun, ya I’m sure dad loved it, dang so he is 49 now crazy. But that’s really cool.
Hello Dunns!
Well, we finally did it! We had dinner with Elder Cooper Dunn and his companion tonight. It was lots of fun. I recounted stories from the days of Elder Dunn and Elder Leonard, and also from BYU. Better watch out, Jeff! He told us about his mission. It sounds like he has had a wonderful experience and has worked hard. What a great young man you will have coming home. It sounds like he has good plans for his future at BYU-I.
Seeing him brought back a flood of memories. We certainly miss you guys. Our busy lives and distance keep us apart, but we still think you are the greatest. Please let us know if you head this way for General Conference or whatever. We'd love to see you.
Enjoy the pics that are attached. Your son is the one next to the rather portly old-looking guy.
Mike & Lisa Leonard
June 23
Dear Family,
Wow that’s awesome that trip sounds like fun, ya I’m sure dad loved it, dang so he is 49 now crazy. But that’s really cool.
So ya summer has been nice in some ways like it stays light a lot later now so that makes visiting people and tracting at night so that is nice, but it is really hot. lol So I guess that’s the trade off. Its gross though I hate showing up for dinner or like an appointment drenched in sweat.
This last Monday we moved, so ya pretty crazy. the Gee house where we were living was only supposed to be temporary because of the kids and we have been there 8 months and she is having a baby like any day now so we wanted to give them there space and what not. BUT.. there is no one in either wards willing or able to house us so we were forced to move in with another set of elders. But they don’t even boarder our area, we have to go through their area then an entire separate area to reach the boarder of our area!!! So ya kinda crazy and well now there are 4 elders in one house so we are very cramped. Not to mention we no longer have free food to eat. lol So that is what’s new with us. So we are logging a lot more miles on our bikes. and its a bummer because it takes proselyting time out of our day to travel back and forth and all that so its a little frustrating, be we are making it fun :) Thanks for everything love you all!!Elder Dunn
June 16, 2010
Hello family, ya I agree it does feel like the week flew by. Well it seems like every week flies by. Man that’s awesome that Clara got a job, I think she will like it, I really liked working there it was fun. Well this last week weather wise was pretty crazy, it was mostly raining and like low 60s high 50s weird huh? Friday night we were walking home from an appointment we had and the clouds were looking a little dark and scary, then all of a sudden it started pouring like way hard, it was crazy. By the time we got home it looked like we had jumped in a pool and got out, it was ridiculous. But ya it was fun.
That’s so crazy we have a new stake presidency, all I have ever known is the old one. That’s good to hear that Elder Bragg errr I mean Colton, is doing good. Ya he told me they planned a trip to Utah pretty fast. But no I haven’t heard from him.
Um but ya that would be really awesome to get a new suit ya mine are like. ok lol Like the rips in them are not very noticeable unless you know where to look but ya that would be really cool. Well I sure do love you guys. Things are going good here, have a swell week!Elder Dunn
June 9, 2010
June 9, 2010
Hello family! Well sorry but time is short our ride with some other elders have to go get there oil changed so they are rushing us lol. But things are going well it’s still pretty warm, has the weather gotten better over there yet? Man the girls are out of school now right, everyone here just got out on Monday so there are alot more kids answering doors and around town now. So I set up an appointment for my asthma but they can’t get me in till the 29 that’s three weeks so ya but that’s good. Well hope you’re all doing good, and know that I love you!
Elder 'Dunn
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Get to Call on Sunday
Hey there! Ya sorry about not emailing last week, not a lot exciting happened and I was short on time, so sorry about that. And that way it gives more to talk about on Sunday :) So ya I think I’ll call like some time in the evening. Sorry that is really vague, we have coordinated with the family as to when we are going call.
That’s way cool about that fireside, sounds like that would be really neat. I really liked your quotes as well. So this is president Christison’s last full transfer, so that is really crazy for us here. He is just trying to get everything all ready for the new mission president.
(The quotes from President McDonald that I sent)
-The first law of heaven is obedience! -A missionary is someone who leaves and misses his family for two years so that he/she can give others the opportunity to spend eternity with their families.
-The mission president loves every missionary in his area. He loves you, but the real honor is if the mission president can say he trusts you.
Well I’m looking forward to talking to you all in a few days, I love you all very much.
Elder Dunn
That’s way cool about that fireside, sounds like that would be really neat. I really liked your quotes as well. So this is president Christison’s last full transfer, so that is really crazy for us here. He is just trying to get everything all ready for the new mission president.
(The quotes from President McDonald that I sent)
-The first law of heaven is obedience! -A missionary is someone who leaves and misses his family for two years so that he/she can give others the opportunity to spend eternity with their families.
-The mission president loves every missionary in his area. He loves you, but the real honor is if the mission president can say he trusts you.
Well I’m looking forward to talking to you all in a few days, I love you all very much.
Elder Dunn
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
24 Hours with Elder Bragg
Hello! There!
Sorry, so yes I did get the Easter packages. Ya I got the big one before Easter so it was perfect and the other shortly after, so thank you so much. The magic trick is pretty cool too. I’ve showed it to a couple of kids and they really get a kick out of it, it’s funny.
So I got an email from Lucy about how she is graduating. That’s so cool. So you guys are going to make a trip down there then huh? That will be fun.
So geez this week just flew right by, it’s crazy. So I got to go on 24 hour team ups with Elder Bragg so that was pretty fun, but other than that nothing really too exciting this week. lol Transfers are this next week and it’s a little different this time, everything is moved a day sooner, so pday will be on Tuesday and transfers on Wednesday. So ya just a heads up, so we will see what happens with transfers. I think if I stay this time I will die here but I don’t know. I think it would be cool to see one more area, but I will be happy with whatever happens. Well I love you all! Have a good week!
Elder Dunn
Sorry, so yes I did get the Easter packages. Ya I got the big one before Easter so it was perfect and the other shortly after, so thank you so much. The magic trick is pretty cool too. I’ve showed it to a couple of kids and they really get a kick out of it, it’s funny.
So I got an email from Lucy about how she is graduating. That’s so cool. So you guys are going to make a trip down there then huh? That will be fun.
So geez this week just flew right by, it’s crazy. So I got to go on 24 hour team ups with Elder Bragg so that was pretty fun, but other than that nothing really too exciting this week. lol Transfers are this next week and it’s a little different this time, everything is moved a day sooner, so pday will be on Tuesday and transfers on Wednesday. So ya just a heads up, so we will see what happens with transfers. I think if I stay this time I will die here but I don’t know. I think it would be cool to see one more area, but I will be happy with whatever happens. Well I love you all! Have a good week!
Elder Dunn
Friday, April 9, 2010
New suit. New glasses.
April 7, 2010
Hey there! Man, well this week has been pretty awesome, I loved conference, I feel like I always get so much out of it, its an awesome spiritual boost, and I got another boost this morning we got to go to the temple so that’s always a blessing. Man so we woke up this morning to get ready for the temple and there was like two or three inches of snow on the ground? What the heck right, so that was a shocker and now its like one o’clock and its all melted away.
So lets see, big news, well I got two new suits! I ripped that one black one you sent a while ago not to bad of a rip but so I wanted a new suit and my comp needed one too so we went to Men’s Warehouse cuz they had a pretty good deal, so it would be $150 for us each, so we put them on hold and I was gonna ask you but then! This missionary said they bought one at a thrift store that didn’t fit him so I tried it on and it’s perfect. It’s a brown with some like
criss cross stripes. Then we went to a thrift store and found another one that fit for ten bucks! Way awesome. So I just took some pictures from the web cam on this computer and so ya I’m sending those to ya :) Kinda fun. So that’s the new suit oh and I got my eyes checked and I needed glasses so these are my new glasses, what do you think? lol Oh and that’s my companion behind me Elder D'Andrea so ya. Well things here are going good today we are playing some cricket like the kind the Braggs would play for FHE so that should be fun. Welp love ya all!
Elder Dunn
March 31, 2010
Hey there family! I know I can’t believe its April either crazy stuff, time flies when you’re having fun. So for general conference we have to go to the stake center, so no member houses. It’s funny cuz no one really goes to the stake center anymore, they either get it on TV or on the internet, so usually its just a whole bunch of missionaries there, it’s fun.
Ya so this week is spring break for Colorado. Unfortunately we thought it would be awesome cuz everyone would be home and we could talk to lots of people, but I guess that everyone went out of town, so it has kinda been rough. Like on Monday we tracted for six hours and we had like 7 people that actually gave us at least a minute or two to talk to them, but even still they weren’t interested, so that was kinda tough. About five hours in of getting rejected at basically every door I turned to my companion and was like, it’s a good thing we don’t get discouraged easy. So that’s good, we are both pretty happy guys so you just gotta make it fun. Well today we are playing some more Ultimate Frisbee the weather has been perfect, I’m lovin it. Well that’s all I got this week :) love you guys
Elder Dunn
March 24, 2010
Well hello family!
Geez what the heck, Clara was in Denver for a day? That’s crazy! Ya the weather here the last twenty four hours has been crazy. Denver is ridicules, one day its sixty five and clear skies then that night it rains and thunders and lightning and then later that night it dumps 8 inches of snow, its crazy. So we woke up to a winter wonderland, pretty crazy, and now its 55 and all the snow is melting. So since there was tons of snow this morning our cars were parked so for the pday morning we were stuck in the house, but our members, the Gee's, made biscuits and gravy for breakfast for us, it was so good. But then by noon the snow had melted enough to unpark cars so we went down to one of the church building with some other missionaries so Elder Bragg was there and played some kickball and then some dodge ball it was pretty fun. So its been a pretty good pday so far :)
So we tried to set one of our investigators with a baptismal date, his name is Doug. He said he knows the BOM is true, that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ and that this is Christ’s church. So we were like yesss then asked we asked him if he would unite himself with Christ’s church by being baptized and he was like ya on December 11 2012 cuz he believes the whole world is gonna end on 12/12/2012 so right before the world ends. lol sooo ya kinda a bummer. But we committed him to pray about it and see when God wants him to be baptized so ya we will see how that goes. Wow that’s so crazy that Kuda Pedersen got his call what the heck that’s awesome. Well things are going pretty good out here. Hope you guys have a good spring break, love you all!
Elder Dunn
Hey there! Man, well this week has been pretty awesome, I loved conference, I feel like I always get so much out of it, its an awesome spiritual boost, and I got another boost this morning we got to go to the temple so that’s always a blessing. Man so we woke up this morning to get ready for the temple and there was like two or three inches of snow on the ground? What the heck right, so that was a shocker and now its like one o’clock and its all melted away.
So lets see, big news, well I got two new suits! I ripped that one black one you sent a while ago not to bad of a rip but so I wanted a new suit and my comp needed one too so we went to Men’s Warehouse cuz they had a pretty good deal, so it would be $150 for us each, so we put them on hold and I was gonna ask you but then! This missionary said they bought one at a thrift store that didn’t fit him so I tried it on and it’s perfect. It’s a brown with some like

Elder Dunn
March 31, 2010
Hey there family! I know I can’t believe its April either crazy stuff, time flies when you’re having fun. So for general conference we have to go to the stake center, so no member houses. It’s funny cuz no one really goes to the stake center anymore, they either get it on TV or on the internet, so usually its just a whole bunch of missionaries there, it’s fun.
Ya so this week is spring break for Colorado. Unfortunately we thought it would be awesome cuz everyone would be home and we could talk to lots of people, but I guess that everyone went out of town, so it has kinda been rough. Like on Monday we tracted for six hours and we had like 7 people that actually gave us at least a minute or two to talk to them, but even still they weren’t interested, so that was kinda tough. About five hours in of getting rejected at basically every door I turned to my companion and was like, it’s a good thing we don’t get discouraged easy. So that’s good, we are both pretty happy guys so you just gotta make it fun. Well today we are playing some more Ultimate Frisbee the weather has been perfect, I’m lovin it. Well that’s all I got this week :) love you guys
Elder Dunn
March 24, 2010
Well hello family!
Geez what the heck, Clara was in Denver for a day? That’s crazy! Ya the weather here the last twenty four hours has been crazy. Denver is ridicules, one day its sixty five and clear skies then that night it rains and thunders and lightning and then later that night it dumps 8 inches of snow, its crazy. So we woke up to a winter wonderland, pretty crazy, and now its 55 and all the snow is melting. So since there was tons of snow this morning our cars were parked so for the pday morning we were stuck in the house, but our members, the Gee's, made biscuits and gravy for breakfast for us, it was so good. But then by noon the snow had melted enough to unpark cars so we went down to one of the church building with some other missionaries so Elder Bragg was there and played some kickball and then some dodge ball it was pretty fun. So its been a pretty good pday so far :)
So we tried to set one of our investigators with a baptismal date, his name is Doug. He said he knows the BOM is true, that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ and that this is Christ’s church. So we were like yesss then asked we asked him if he would unite himself with Christ’s church by being baptized and he was like ya on December 11 2012 cuz he believes the whole world is gonna end on 12/12/2012 so right before the world ends. lol sooo ya kinda a bummer. But we committed him to pray about it and see when God wants him to be baptized so ya we will see how that goes. Wow that’s so crazy that Kuda Pedersen got his call what the heck that’s awesome. Well things are going pretty good out here. Hope you guys have a good spring break, love you all!
Elder Dunn
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
March catch up.
March 17
Hey there family! So today we decided to do our email first because if we don’t we get so caught up with other stuff, it’s like way late and we are scrambling for time, but it looks like we came too early cuz you haven’t had the chance to email yet lol.
Well I got a new companion, he is pretty new still. This is only his third transfer. His name is Elder D'Andrea, he is from Boise Idaho. So ya we have been together just about a week now and things are going good. He’s a nice guy. And for the first time ever me and Elder Bragg are in the same zone so that is pretty awesome. So today we are going to play some ultimate Frisbee. I was talking to him last night and he has been in a car for most his mission and has gained some weight so I’m hoping I’m faster then him. lol But I don’t know I’ll have to let you know how that goes.
So things here in the Smoky Hill and Parkview wards are going pretty good, the Smoky Hill ward is on fire with missionary work. We have one guy Doug that is progressing really well. We have an appt. with him tomorrow night and hope to set him with a baptismal date. And a part member family just moved in and came to church and the mother and son said they want to take the lessons and be baptized. So that’s like a missionaries dream right there, someone comes up to you after church and says they want to be baptized so ya very cool. And now both wards, after Elder Perry, are trying to get us the list of names so that is a work in progress as well.
So I think that I have decided that the plan after the mission is to go to BYU Idaho and room with Elder Bragg. So ya not to sure when school starts and all that, I think like August is that right? But ya so if we could start to figure it out if that could happen that would be awesome.
Well I think that’s really all that’s going on here. But I hope you’re all doing well. Clara what the heck you’re 17? That’s really weird. Crazy stuff lol well love you guys!
Elder Dunn
March 10
Ugh oh my gosh. So I just wrote like a long email to you and sent it, but when it sent it sent me to the sign in page and now it's not in my sent folder. So I don't think it sent but hopefully it did but if not I'm getting a new comp tomorrow so that's big news. And the baptism went really well and Sunday was stake conference so that was cool too. Our mission president and his wife spoke it was really good. Well I’m outa time cuz I spent the whole time writing the other email so hopefully you got it love you guys.
Elder Dunn
March 3
Hey there Famillia! Geez I always feel so rushed and busy on pday. lol I don’t think that’s how its supposed to be, its supposed to be the day when we get to relax lol.
Oh so ya Margarita, ya she was someone that I taught and baptized lol. That’s funny she added you on Facebook. She is awesome. She’s the one that called you and made the bday cake for me and all that. Well let’s see not alot of exciting news, we do have a baptism this Saturday so that is awesome. We have that all planned out so we are really excited. It’s weird; the building where we are having the baptism is actually out of the mission, weird huh? So it’s not the building I go to for church but there are missionaries that cover 2 of the wards that go there kinda weird. So it’s like neutral ground I guess, but it’s a really nice building. It’s brand new and huge, but no one has keys to the baptismal font so we have to break in with a screwdriver lol funny huh. Well we are now teaching this guy named Doug, he is really nice and seems to be progressing very well. He is a referral from a member, we are teaching him the second lesson tomorrow, man when a non-member has a solid member friend fellowshipper it makes everything run alot smoother that is for sure. But this guy is into like energy healing and he even took his cat to a pet psychic. lol so ya he is funny but that is really cool he is progressing.
So no unfortunately I didn’t get a pic with Elder Perry, we just kinda ran by him and shook his hand. Oh I also got to go to the temple this morning so that is always a treat. Well I think that’s all I got going on here. But I love you all and hope you have an awesome week!
Elder Dunn
Hey there family! So today we decided to do our email first because if we don’t we get so caught up with other stuff, it’s like way late and we are scrambling for time, but it looks like we came too early cuz you haven’t had the chance to email yet lol.
Well I got a new companion, he is pretty new still. This is only his third transfer. His name is Elder D'Andrea, he is from Boise Idaho. So ya we have been together just about a week now and things are going good. He’s a nice guy. And for the first time ever me and Elder Bragg are in the same zone so that is pretty awesome. So today we are going to play some ultimate Frisbee. I was talking to him last night and he has been in a car for most his mission and has gained some weight so I’m hoping I’m faster then him. lol But I don’t know I’ll have to let you know how that goes.
So things here in the Smoky Hill and Parkview wards are going pretty good, the Smoky Hill ward is on fire with missionary work. We have one guy Doug that is progressing really well. We have an appt. with him tomorrow night and hope to set him with a baptismal date. And a part member family just moved in and came to church and the mother and son said they want to take the lessons and be baptized. So that’s like a missionaries dream right there, someone comes up to you after church and says they want to be baptized so ya very cool. And now both wards, after Elder Perry, are trying to get us the list of names so that is a work in progress as well.
So I think that I have decided that the plan after the mission is to go to BYU Idaho and room with Elder Bragg. So ya not to sure when school starts and all that, I think like August is that right? But ya so if we could start to figure it out if that could happen that would be awesome.
Well I think that’s really all that’s going on here. But I hope you’re all doing well. Clara what the heck you’re 17? That’s really weird. Crazy stuff lol well love you guys!
Elder Dunn
March 10
Ugh oh my gosh. So I just wrote like a long email to you and sent it, but when it sent it sent me to the sign in page and now it's not in my sent folder. So I don't think it sent but hopefully it did but if not I'm getting a new comp tomorrow so that's big news. And the baptism went really well and Sunday was stake conference so that was cool too. Our mission president and his wife spoke it was really good. Well I’m outa time cuz I spent the whole time writing the other email so hopefully you got it love you guys.
Elder Dunn
March 3
Hey there Famillia! Geez I always feel so rushed and busy on pday. lol I don’t think that’s how its supposed to be, its supposed to be the day when we get to relax lol.
Oh so ya Margarita, ya she was someone that I taught and baptized lol. That’s funny she added you on Facebook. She is awesome. She’s the one that called you and made the bday cake for me and all that. Well let’s see not alot of exciting news, we do have a baptism this Saturday so that is awesome. We have that all planned out so we are really excited. It’s weird; the building where we are having the baptism is actually out of the mission, weird huh? So it’s not the building I go to for church but there are missionaries that cover 2 of the wards that go there kinda weird. So it’s like neutral ground I guess, but it’s a really nice building. It’s brand new and huge, but no one has keys to the baptismal font so we have to break in with a screwdriver lol funny huh. Well we are now teaching this guy named Doug, he is really nice and seems to be progressing very well. He is a referral from a member, we are teaching him the second lesson tomorrow, man when a non-member has a solid member friend fellowshipper it makes everything run alot smoother that is for sure. But this guy is into like energy healing and he even took his cat to a pet psychic. lol so ya he is funny but that is really cool he is progressing.
So no unfortunately I didn’t get a pic with Elder Perry, we just kinda ran by him and shook his hand. Oh I also got to go to the temple this morning so that is always a treat. Well I think that’s all I got going on here. But I love you all and hope you have an awesome week!
Elder Dunn
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Elder Perry
Hey there mi familia Comoros estas. Well things are still going good. Elder Perry last Saturday was really great! We all thought that he was going to talk about the whole twenty lessons thing or at least missionary work seeing as how he is the apostle over missionary work, but he was like cracking jokes and stuff. Then he spoke on the priesthood and the restoration. It was an awesome experience. We got to shake his hand, so that was cool. He is a big man, it was like shaking a bear paw, but like really soft. But after our mtg he met with the stake presidencies and bishops and WMLs and talked alot about twenty lessons, so our wards are really trying to get the ball rolling with that so that's awesome.
Well about Grand Junction, I was in the fifth ward so not the same stake as ninth ward so ya.
That's way cool about Lucy and her friend, he sounds fun.
Well hey I got to get runnin but I sure do love you guys have a good week :)
Elder Dunn
Well about Grand Junction, I was in the fifth ward so not the same stake as ninth ward so ya.
That's way cool about Lucy and her friend, he sounds fun.
Well hey I got to get runnin but I sure do love you guys have a good week :)
Elder Dunn
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