Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Right Way To Do Things

Yup pretty crazy about Obama. I have no clue about him or McCain. I'm totally in the dark on their ideas.

So ya we have a mtg with our Ward Mission Leader each week and go to the first part of PEC and give our weekly progress report so that is cool. It’s hard to get our ward missionaries to come to a lesson. Our WML is a really good guy. He is fairly new, only a few months with the calling and he is like 24. I think pretty young and he is recently married going to law school and works. So he is always really busy. But between all of that he tries to fulfill his calling, but it’s hard. So not too much advice. lol Sorry.

Ya the weather here has been beautiful, sunny and high 60's. But today it dropped and this week it might snow. Finally, so that’s cool. I'm ready for it, the only bummer is when there is snow on the ground the bikes and cars are parked, so it’s really less affective to walk around. It takes forever, especially for dinner cuz it can be out of our half of the ward, so like 50-60 blocks away. We will see how it goes and it’s really tough, unfortunately to find a ride from members.

I'm still in the same area, Crestmoor West, and I'm liking it. I would like to stay another transfer after this. And ya, Elder Pond, I love that kid! Ya we roomed together in the MTC. He is hilarious. We went to the temple this morning and him and Elder Bragg were in my session. I'm kinda jealous lol they are having a blast together. Two really cool cats. lol

But ya all is well here in Denver and I'm having fun and definitely working hard. Got to show my greenie the right way to do things. I like training a lot, even though it’s a struggle sometimes, but it makes me be the best I can and really push myself to be a good example, so its cool. I like it, I wouldn’t mind training my whole mission. lol Well I gotta go, we are going to play some bball love you all!Elder Dunn

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