Dang, that’s pretty lame about the computer and stuff. Sounds like a big pain, but that’s good that you finally got it back though.
Dang that’s pretty crazy about Daisy, Ya I've heard that’s what it sounds like when a bunny gets hurt, but I've never heard it myself. That’s good that she is doing ok now.
Oh that’s cool you got to talk to Elder Craft! I really like him, he is a nice guy. We did have alot of fun times together, he is a good kid. That’s cool you got some pics from Brittney. She told me she stopped by and that Elder Craft might get you some pics.
Yesterday or uh Monday, I sent you guys a letter and I put in a whole bunch of pictures I printed off, so ya, you should get them like tomorrow or so, and ya I got your package! Thanks for everything. I really needed stamps and I already had some Ovalteen and hot choc. Really cool thanks a bunch!
Well I'm running out of time so I better rap this up, but everything is going good we are having a good time me and Elder Luce are going on team-ups with the zone leaders tomorrow, so that will be fun. Just for the day so that’s cool.
Oh man, someone stole Elder Luce's bike seat yesterday, pretty crazy huh? So we went to the bike shop and the cheapest one was 70 bucks, pretty lame! Well I've got 40 seconds left on the comp so I better go love you all!
Elder Dunn
Dang that’s pretty crazy about Daisy, Ya I've heard that’s what it sounds like when a bunny gets hurt, but I've never heard it myself. That’s good that she is doing ok now.
Oh that’s cool you got to talk to Elder Craft! I really like him, he is a nice guy. We did have alot of fun times together, he is a good kid. That’s cool you got some pics from Brittney. She told me she stopped by and that Elder Craft might get you some pics.
Yesterday or uh Monday, I sent you guys a letter and I put in a whole bunch of pictures I printed off, so ya, you should get them like tomorrow or so, and ya I got your package! Thanks for everything. I really needed stamps and I already had some Ovalteen and hot choc. Really cool thanks a bunch!
Well I'm running out of time so I better rap this up, but everything is going good we are having a good time me and Elder Luce are going on team-ups with the zone leaders tomorrow, so that will be fun. Just for the day so that’s cool.
Oh man, someone stole Elder Luce's bike seat yesterday, pretty crazy huh? So we went to the bike shop and the cheapest one was 70 bucks, pretty lame! Well I've got 40 seconds left on the comp so I better go love you all!
Elder Dunn
I love the DIP picture Elder Dunn.
Fun picture. Missionaries are always finding ways to crack themselves up. I love it!
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