Monday, February 23, 2009

Work still Progressing

Hey there! Sounds like you’re all doing good and staying busy! That’s way cool mom about the sprint triathlon, that would be way intense, that sounds hard. So ya transfers are coming up on the like Feb 26, I think and president said we would be getting a car here in this area, so we will see if that prophecy comes true. lol and if I’m still here. So that will be way weird to have a car. lol

And no it doesn’t bother me if you call me coop lol its fine. That’s cool about the landscape design class, that sounds fun. Dang I can’t believe you guys haven’t gone skiing yet, man I sure would love to go lol. Oh hey, I had a few questions about Medford that people keep asking me and I don’t really know the answers lol. So how big is Medford, what’s the population, and how much rain does it get a year? Like inches and stuff lol cuz everyone that asks about Medford those are the two things they ask. lol So usually I just make up some numbers.

But everything is going good here in Grand Junction. The weather has been kinda weird the last couple of days its been sunny and low 50’s but the last two days there has been like 15 minutes of crazy wind and snow it’s weird, and not very fun to bike in.

But anyways the work is still progressing here we have a couple people that are progressing and I think are almost ready for baptism so that is good. The ward here is good, I like it, and it’s crazy its only 2 weeks till transfers again. It went really fast and I have been out 7 months now way crazy! Well I better get going, at 3:30 I guess we are going to play rugby with the Mesa State(local college) team so that should be interesting. lol I love you all.

Elder Dunn

1 comment:

Kay said...

Rugby? Oh goodness, Elder Dunn use your running away skills when you play against those big guys!! Okay?

Maybe your mom or dad already answered this but Medford gets about 20 to 21 inches a year. Jackson County has about 200,000, while Medford makes up about 75,000 of that number.

Keep up the good work, we're proud to call you one of our own!