Hello family man this week flew by! Man and sorry if this is short, I’m short on time. Today was crazy which is why I’m emailing late. We were lucky to catch the library while it was still open, but anyways things are still going good.
So transfers are next Thursday the 2nd, so ya hold any mail unto I let you know what happens :) We will see. I have no idea what will happen, we will find out on Tuesday night so I’ll let you know on Wednesday.
That sounds like lots of fun at the youth conference. That pic of dad with the bow tie is pretty sweet lol, what is Luce gonna be doing as an internship, does she know yet?
So the weather has still been way crazy, it seems like we get a thunder storm every day, which is ok cuz it cools everything down for a bit, but it’s not cool if we are walking somewhere or biking. lol But it was like 93 today, I think. Gross 93 in pants and a tie on a bike up hill is not very comfortable lol as you could probably guess.
Oh man my companion ran into a fire hydrant today! It was way intense! He is ok but we will need to do some repairs on his bike before it’s rideable but ya that was exciting. Well I gotta get going, it’s getting late. I love you guys! Have an awesome week!
Cooper Dunn
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Heylo family! Hey thanks for the pics mom! Way sweet, looks like fun stuff. Dang Clara and Sydney are way cool! Man it’s so weird, I still think of them as way little, but they’re honkin 14 and 16, that’s crazy! When we meet some one that says they’re one of their ages I’m like what?...I have a sister that old? Weird! But ya thanks for the pics, and I’m glad you got mine too. Ya we just went to the library during our lunch and I hooked up my camera with a USB cord so, ya fun stuff.

Well things are still going good here in Denver. This week flew by, it’s crazy! Well it has rained every day for the last like 12 days crazy huh? And of course if it only rained 20 mins out of the day that 20 mins we were on our bikes of course. lol It was pretty ridicules. I have been having to switch out shoes and pants to let the other ones dry and then the others would get wet. lol It’s crazy but fun.
Man I know dad, today you’re 48 that’s crazy! I was sitting in our room at night about to go to sleep on Monday and was like dang! My dad’s bday is on Wed. Crazy! But I’m not gonna lie lol I did not know it was 48, that is old lol crazy. That’s awesome that you’re still running and all that though. That is good for an old man :)
Well, this week was good I can’t really think of anything that stands out, did lots of tracting in the heat or the rain, our ward is doing pretty good at achieving the 20 lessons. We have two sets of missionaries here in Bible Park, so the ward is really trying to get 40, well minus the appointments we have with investigators, but still that’s a lot. They are getting pumped up so that is good, well I better get going, everything is going good here love you all! Have a fantastic week!!!
Elder Dunn
Well things are still going good here in Denver. This week flew by, it’s crazy! Well it has rained every day for the last like 12 days crazy huh? And of course if it only rained 20 mins out of the day that 20 mins we were on our bikes of course. lol It was pretty ridicules. I have been having to switch out shoes and pants to let the other ones dry and then the others would get wet. lol It’s crazy but fun.
Man I know dad, today you’re 48 that’s crazy! I was sitting in our room at night about to go to sleep on Monday and was like dang! My dad’s bday is on Wed. Crazy! But I’m not gonna lie lol I did not know it was 48, that is old lol crazy. That’s awesome that you’re still running and all that though. That is good for an old man :)
Well, this week was good I can’t really think of anything that stands out, did lots of tracting in the heat or the rain, our ward is doing pretty good at achieving the 20 lessons. We have two sets of missionaries here in Bible Park, so the ward is really trying to get 40, well minus the appointments we have with investigators, but still that’s a lot. They are getting pumped up so that is good, well I better get going, everything is going good here love you all! Have a fantastic week!!!
Elder Dunn
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tornado Season
Hey there, so yesterday was crazy, we had a lot of stuff going on and so we didn’t have much time to email and I just replied to the emails I had and I realized I didn’t get one from you guys so I didn’t send one lol So I’m just taking some of our lunch and emailing you real fast.
Well everything is good here, Robin is doing really good we have an appt with her on Friday and we hope to set her with a baptismal date! She is so ready so that is way awesome.
The weather here has been so crazy! Man, on Sunday we had hail the size of golf balls and there were tons of wind and stuff. Tornado sirens went off because not far from where we are, there was a tornado that like did quite a bit of damage. But ya there are tornado sirens on intersections every half mile and they are way loud so that was crazy. We have had thunder storms like everyday for a week, it’s so crazy. So me and Elder Mullenbach are used to riding our bikes in it now cuz it happens like everyday, it’s crazy.
Well sorry this is short but I had to at least send something out to let you know I’m alive :) Hope everything is going good.
Man so the girls are out of school now? Crazy! Has Clara applied anywhere yet?
Well have a good week!
Love you all Elder Dunn
Well everything is good here, Robin is doing really good we have an appt with her on Friday and we hope to set her with a baptismal date! She is so ready so that is way awesome.
The weather here has been so crazy! Man, on Sunday we had hail the size of golf balls and there were tons of wind and stuff. Tornado sirens went off because not far from where we are, there was a tornado that like did quite a bit of damage. But ya there are tornado sirens on intersections every half mile and they are way loud so that was crazy. We have had thunder storms like everyday for a week, it’s so crazy. So me and Elder Mullenbach are used to riding our bikes in it now cuz it happens like everyday, it’s crazy.
Well sorry this is short but I had to at least send something out to let you know I’m alive :) Hope everything is going good.
Man so the girls are out of school now? Crazy! Has Clara applied anywhere yet?
Well have a good week!
Love you all Elder Dunn
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Good Zone Conference
Hello! Man I know what you mean, it feels like every week is going by fast. There are only 4 more weeks in this transfer! Crazy!
That’s cool the ward mission seems to be way on top of everything, that’s awesome, with the ward correlation mtg (dang mom you're so gansta) and all the baptisms, that’s way awesome! You’re on fire, keep up the good work.
About the burning, so that used to be a tradition but! it has been shut down by our mission president that we shouldn’t continue with it so nope no burning for me lol. So ya my new comp Elder Mullenbach, he is a good guy.
Man that’s so crazy, school is out. Sounds fun. Tell Clara to go get a job lol. Well everything is going good here we need referrals! lol Robin, the 70 year old is still doing good. She has an awesome testimony. She is taking this seriously so that is good.
We had a Zone Conference on Monday and Elder Shumway from the Second Quorum of the Seventy came, so that was pretty cool. He talked about bearing down in pure testimony and justice and mercy it was really good. He was a really goofy guy, I thought it was going to be all serious and stuff but it was really relaxed. It was good!
Well I better get going. Have a good week and love you all.
Elder Dum
(That’s what these cool kids in my ward call me. They’re 6 and 8.lol It’s pretty sweet)
That’s cool the ward mission seems to be way on top of everything, that’s awesome, with the ward correlation mtg (dang mom you're so gansta) and all the baptisms, that’s way awesome! You’re on fire, keep up the good work.
About the burning, so that used to be a tradition but! it has been shut down by our mission president that we shouldn’t continue with it so nope no burning for me lol. So ya my new comp Elder Mullenbach, he is a good guy.
Man that’s so crazy, school is out. Sounds fun. Tell Clara to go get a job lol. Well everything is going good here we need referrals! lol Robin, the 70 year old is still doing good. She has an awesome testimony. She is taking this seriously so that is good.
We had a Zone Conference on Monday and Elder Shumway from the Second Quorum of the Seventy came, so that was pretty cool. He talked about bearing down in pure testimony and justice and mercy it was really good. He was a really goofy guy, I thought it was going to be all serious and stuff but it was really relaxed. It was good!
Well I better get going. Have a good week and love you all.
Elder Dum
(That’s what these cool kids in my ward call me. They’re 6 and 8.lol It’s pretty sweet)
Getting Hot
Well hello there! Sounds like things are going good in Meddy, same with here in Denver. So ya my day is good, today actually isn’t our p-day we had it on Monday cuz it was Memorial Day, so ya but we are allowed to email today. The week has been going good too, I have a new companion his name is Elder Mullenbach and he is from San Antonio, Texas. Pretty cool. He has been out 3 months so he is pretty green lol
That’s way cool, Clara got her license, way cool. So is she driving the truck? Awesome.
That’s way fun that you guys got to go to the coast. That sounds like fun. Man its getting hot out here and it’s always fun to be in pants and a tie on your bike when its 90 degrees out side. lol I’m not gonna lie, some of those pools we ride by at like apartments look pretty inviting. lol
That’s cool Syd is playing the guitar, I’m jealous. I’m sure she will be better then me when I get back I’m like no good now. lol I need to practice. lol
But anyways I don’t know, not a lot of news. Things are going good here we have that one investigator.
So that’s great but we really need some referrals from our ward. lol We need more solid investigators. That’s way cool you guys have a baptism this week that’s awesome. Well I better get going, have a great week. Love ya
Elder Dunn
That’s way cool, Clara got her license, way cool. So is she driving the truck? Awesome.
That’s way fun that you guys got to go to the coast. That sounds like fun. Man its getting hot out here and it’s always fun to be in pants and a tie on your bike when its 90 degrees out side. lol I’m not gonna lie, some of those pools we ride by at like apartments look pretty inviting. lol
That’s cool Syd is playing the guitar, I’m jealous. I’m sure she will be better then me when I get back I’m like no good now. lol I need to practice. lol
But anyways I don’t know, not a lot of news. Things are going good here we have that one investigator.
So that’s great but we really need some referrals from our ward. lol We need more solid investigators. That’s way cool you guys have a baptism this week that’s awesome. Well I better get going, have a great week. Love ya
Elder Dunn
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