Heylo family! Hey thanks for the pics mom! Way sweet, looks like fun stuff. Dang Clara and Sydney are way cool! Man it’s so weird, I still think of them as way little, but they’re honkin 14 and 16, that’s crazy! When we meet some one that says they’re one of their ages I’m like what?...I have a sister that old? Weird! But ya thanks for the pics, and I’m glad you got mine too. Ya we just went to the library during our lunch and I hooked up my camera with a USB cord so, ya fun stuff.

Well things are still going good here in Denver. This week flew by, it’s crazy! Well it has rained every day for the last like 12 days crazy huh? And of course if it only rained 20 mins out of the day that 20 mins we were on our bikes of course. lol It was pretty ridicules. I have been having to switch out shoes and pants to let the other ones dry and then the others would get wet. lol It’s crazy but fun.
Man I know dad, today you’re 48 that’s crazy! I was sitting in our room at night about to go to sleep on Monday and was like dang! My dad’s bday is on Wed. Crazy! But I’m not gonna lie lol I did not know it was 48, that is old lol crazy. That’s awesome that you’re still running and all that though. That is good for an old man :)
Well, this week was good I can’t really think of anything that stands out, did lots of tracting in the heat or the rain, our ward is doing pretty good at achieving the 20 lessons. We have two sets of missionaries here in Bible Park, so the ward is really trying to get 40, well minus the appointments we have with investigators, but still that’s a lot. They are getting pumped up so that is good, well I better get going, everything is going good here love you all! Have a fantastic week!!!
Elder Dunn
Well things are still going good here in Denver. This week flew by, it’s crazy! Well it has rained every day for the last like 12 days crazy huh? And of course if it only rained 20 mins out of the day that 20 mins we were on our bikes of course. lol It was pretty ridicules. I have been having to switch out shoes and pants to let the other ones dry and then the others would get wet. lol It’s crazy but fun.
Man I know dad, today you’re 48 that’s crazy! I was sitting in our room at night about to go to sleep on Monday and was like dang! My dad’s bday is on Wed. Crazy! But I’m not gonna lie lol I did not know it was 48, that is old lol crazy. That’s awesome that you’re still running and all that though. That is good for an old man :)
Well, this week was good I can’t really think of anything that stands out, did lots of tracting in the heat or the rain, our ward is doing pretty good at achieving the 20 lessons. We have two sets of missionaries here in Bible Park, so the ward is really trying to get 40, well minus the appointments we have with investigators, but still that’s a lot. They are getting pumped up so that is good, well I better get going, everything is going good here love you all! Have a fantastic week!!!
Elder Dunn
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